REVISED Newsletter
blacks in America are not all Afro Americans. Price. $3.50
Rev. Jesse Jackson visits the holy land TAMA-RE EGIPT OF THE WEST. Price. $3.50
Ancient Egyptian order out of Athens, Ga to inaugurate the Washington monument. Price. FREE
NUWAUPIAN prophecies fulfilled at the Denderah and if one Ball. Price. $3.50
Washing ton, D. C.. Invited the ancient Egyptian church of KARAST CHRIST INC. Price. FREE
Al Mahdi newsletter Price. $3.50
Al Mahdi Moorish feast Price. $3.00
Prophecies fulfilled edition one VOL 13 price. $3.00
Creation, evolution or genetic splicing, which is the truth Price. $3.00
Character assassination Price. $3.00
Are the up PYRAMID people Muslim? Price. $3.00
Inside the temple of IMH OTEP Price. $3.00
Black Eagle, prophecy fulfilled Price. $3.00
The true story of BEN York and the Lewis and Clark expedition price. $3.00
Are those Egyptian people pagans price $3.00
In search of the real Americans Price. $3.00
Who are the real MULATTOS Price. $3.00
Man from another planet, he nuts! Price. $3.00
The U. N.N.M. Why we are back in town Price. $3.00
Why a conspiracy to defame the Pyramid people Price. $3.00
The first president of the United States was a black man, a MOOR price. $3.00
Tribal encyclopedia 28th edition price. $23.00
Black race racism in Islam pale race 121 edition price. $19.00
The holy koran the last testament 41 edition price. $23.00
DEGREE of the pure faith 128 edition price. $19.00
You are Adams descendants 145 edition price. $23.00
Why the veal 38th edition price. $12.00
Why the beard Second edition price. $12.00
Contradiction of the disciples Price. $12.00
Science of the pyramids Volume two 43rd edition price. $13.00
The true story of cain and Abel 103 edition price. $13.00
Who was NOBLE DREW ALI 109 edition price. $13.00
T ALISMAN Seventh addition price. $13.00 Islamic music 42nd edition price. $12.00
Allah creation the human body 55th edition Price. $9.00
K H U T B A T S O F A L H A J J 77th edition price. $12.00
Warm and who changed the course of history 148 edition price. $12.00 our symbol Fifth edition price. $9.00
Teach yourself koran with CD 114 edition price. $7.00
The true origin of the martial arts 66 edition price. $7.00
Gospel of john 141 edition price. $12.00
666 15th edition price. $12.00
The fallacy of Easter 105 edition price. $7.00
Menstruation 40th edition price. $7.00
Secret societies unmasked 64th edition price. $12.00
The only true MAHDI 13th edition price. $9.00
Teach yourself Arabic, Arabic Made easy part two Price. $7.00
360 questions to ask orthodox Sunni Muslim 198 edition price. $50.00
Science of healing study book: 16 supreme mathematics-class P for the stillness of the whole the tabernacle SCROLL 139 price. $12.00
The Millennium book Part one price. $35.00
The Millennium book Part two price. $35.00
Humans were created from... Study book 18: supreme mathematics-class R for this dude and of the wholly tabernacle SCROLL 17 price. $20.00
The DOG SCROLL 143 price. $15.00
Extra terrestrial and creation study book seven: supreme mathematics-class G holy tabernacle price. $20.00
Shamballah and Aghaarta cities with and the earth steady book five: supreme mathematics-class E for the holy tabernacle SCROLL 131 price. $20.00
The year 2000 A. D. And what to expect study book 25: supreme mathematics-class Y for the holy tabernacle SCROLL 156 price. $20.00
From mission earth and the extraterrestrial involvement if study book three: supreme mathematics-class C for the holy tabernacle SCROLL 82 price. $20.00
The conflicts between the gods study books 13: supreme mathematics-class M for the holy tabernacle price. $20.00
Is there a god study book 19: supreme mathematics-class S for the holy tabernacle 1 price. $20.00
Is there a god study book 19: supreme mathematics-class S for the holy tabernacle 2 price. $20.00
Is there a god study book 19: supreme mathematics-class S for the holy tabernacle 3 price. $20.00
Teachers guide to the NUWAUBIAN language SCROLL 7 Price. $50.00
From ignorance into intellect part two Price. $10.00
360 questions to lacks a Hebrew Israelite SCROLL 101 part four price. $15.00
360 questions to lacks a Hebrew Israelite SCROLL 101 part three price. $15.00
360 questions to lacks a Hebrew Israelite SCROLL 101 part two price. $15.00
Are the Caucasians Edomites study book 12: supreme mathematics-class L price. $20.00
Son's of Canaan SCROLL 48 price. $15.00
The adventures of the spider man which is a man and ancient sumerian story volume one price. $10.00
360 questions to lacks a Christian part one SCROLL 102 price. $23.00
360 questions to lacks a Christian part two SCROLL 102 price. $23.00
The spell of LEVIATHAN the spell of Kingu 666 study book 26: supreme mathematics-class price. $35.00
Who live before the Adam and eve story. Study book one supreme mathematics-class U price. $13.00
Great balls of fire cast at the earth SCROLL 192 price. $20.00
Did GOD create the devil SCROLL 116 Price. $13.00
Science of the pyramid SCROLL 191 Price. $14.00
Man from planet RIZQ SCROLL 80 study book or one supreme mathematics-class A price. $20.00
The science and art of sex as taught by the min priesthood Price. $45.00
The book of the five percenters edition 195 Price. $50.00
Post graduate: the renewal of the lessons zig zag zig wake up SCROLL 166-price.$33.00
The travels of a sufi edition 159 Price. $7.00
NUWAUPIAN emergency medical guide SCROLL 199 Price. $7.00
NUWAUBIAN TAFUL SCROLL 167 price. $12.00
What laws did Ya Shua follow SCROLL 170 price. $7.00
EL MAGURAJ SCROLL 171 Price. $13.00
Sheik daoud vs. WD fard SCROLL 165 Price. $13.00
The sacred Egyptian initiation Price. $25.00
NUWAUBIC the ancient Egyptian ministry language simplified Price. $50.00
NUWAUBIC the ancient Egyptian ministry language simplified at a glance Price. $50.00
The mystery clouds are they UFOs SCROLL 91 Price. $10.00
That Arabic reader 71st Edition Price. $9.00
Quraanic Arabic lesson one Price. $3.00
The bride of C HRI ST SCROL 48 Price. $9.00 worship of the canaanites 44th edition Price. $8.00
Are their black devils Price. $23.00That Egyptian names Price. $13.00The Luciferian conspiracy Price. $35.00
The beginning Price. $35.00
Right knowledge series
The Knowledge Price. $25.00
What is NUWAUPU Price. $25.00
OUR true roots Price. $25.00
Breaking the spell on the blacks the END Price. $25.00 the sacred wisdom Price. $40.00
Jesus found in Egypt Price. $40.00
Was Christ really crucified SCROLL 52 Price. $25.00
Was Adam black or white Price. $35.00
Is it black man's Christianity or white man's Christianity SCROLL 207 price. $45.00
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Saturday, April 16, 2011
1. Syndrome of control/Economic Hit man price: $12.50
2. Return of the ancient ones price: $7.00
3. Traffic tickets Prices: $7.00
4. The Declaration of independence price: $9.00
5. Moorish Avatar Price: $10.00
6. Theft of Africa Price: $15. 50
7. Energy-science of the ANKH price: $10.00
8. Free masonry Price: $6.00
9. From science to god Price: $7.00
10. U.S. army psychic remote viewing teacher price: $13.00
11. FBI war on Tupak Shakur and black leader’s price: $10.00
12. S E N J E T I 2010 Price: $9.00
13. from public school to prison 1-3 price: $12.50
14. Mortgage defense kit Price: $180
15. Hip hop and homosexuality price: $6.00
16. Cracking the code Price: $80.00
17. Invisible empire Price: $13.00
18. When moors ruled Europe price: $13.00
19. Malcolm X Price: $7.00
20. Moorish birthrights Price: $5.00
21. Unfortunate corruption of the moor science temple price: $15.00
22. Personifying quantum theory price: $20.00
23. Nature of reality Price: $13.00
24. Etymology Parliamentary lawand paralegal studies 12Week course25DVDS price:$1200
25. Etymology linguistic studies price: $72.00
26. Teach your baby to be physically superb price: $12.50
27. GNOSIS Price: $9.00
27. Legal research at Jenkins law library with 2xDVD'S price: $100
28. Freemasonry the five great Seles Price: $33.00
29. Anthony Mc Googan silver Bonds with 4x DVD's price: $90.00
30. Black's law Price: $12.50
31. Cocaine Contras and Mexico Drug wars price: $7.00
32. The unified field of sacred geometry Price: $7.00
33. Constitution classes one through seven price: $10.00
34. Preamble rights Price: $7.00
35. E facts of homosexuality Price: $7.00
36. Sitting judge helps Moorish Americans with UCC 2X DVD price: $50.00
37. Now time course 6 Price: $320
38. Facts are facts and mad as hell Price: $7.00
39. Driver's license fraud Price: $9.00
40. Writ of error Price: $20.00
41. Liberty balance Price: $7.00
42. Psychiatry and industry of death Price: $15.00
43. Do you know what is said behind closed doors price: $10.00
44. The hidden truths New Orleans concentration camps prices: $20.00
45. Black in America Price: $7.00
46. Where history ends 2012 Price: $27.00
47. Food Price: $5.00
48. Freedom 101 Moorish law part one/two Price: $15.00
49. License to kill the hidden truth about New Orleans price: $7.00
50. Corporations part one Price: $5.00
51. Corporation part two Price: $5.00
52. Health and nutrition Price: free
53. Vaccines are dangerous Price: $7.00
54. Americ fascism Price: $5.00
55. Government control operation part one part two price: $15.00
1. The truth about the ark of Noah in Africa price: $10.00
2. Who are the real Price: $10.00
3. Paul for whites and Jesus for lacks Price: $10.00
4. False church of Paulism, the real body of Christ price: $10.00
5. The white gentiles give Negros, the tribe of Judah wrong info of our Jesus price: $10.00
6. Visualization Tones for the ancient Egyptian order price: $7.00
7. Our constitution UNNM Price: $7.00
8. The hidden light Price: $9.00
9. Lets reveal he's real Price: $12.50
10. God doesn't go to big cities, so why do you Price: $9.00
11. Egyptian nativity idols nativity statues crucifix idols price: $9.00
12. Is the root of the devil and our children Price: $10.00
13. Maku inside the belly of the beasts Price: $10.00
14. Do women have to souls according to the bible Price: $10.00
15. Messenger Price: $10.00
16. The Egiptian church of Christ KARAST choir price: $10.00
17. As Moors we have rights CD one-two& three Price: $10.00
18. The reality of life after death Price: $10.00
19. You want to question me, and I taught you! Price: $10.00
20. Masons/Shriners and JESUS Price: $10.00
21. The day of PENTACOST, we were there! Price: $10.00
22. Wholly by Bill or the holy bible Price: $10.00
23. Help Jesus separate the sheep woolly hair from the goat fur hair price: $10.00
24. True story of the moors Price: $12.50
25. Who are the real Eastern stars and lady Shriners? Price: $10.00
26. Living in the days of the book of Revelations 18 Price: $15.00
27. Who is change in the words of the bible Price: $9.00
28. Egypt the mask of god Price: $10.00
29. Fact ology vs. Theology Price: $9.00
30. Egyptians, coming of the messiah Price: $10.00
31. The true Christ of 2000 years ago Price: $9.00
32. Maku from the island of Patmos Price: $33.00
33. The sacred Egyptian initiation Price: $10.00
34. The woman and the devil Price: $10.00
35. The book of light Price: $7.00
36. No one believes in god anymore Price: $9.00
37. Fact ology vs. Theology we are moors Price: $10.00
38. Enter the cosmos Price: $10.00
40. The order of MA'AT Price: $10.00
41. Negro you are not a gentile, you are the holy seed Judah price: $10.00
42. What is darkness? What is light? Price: $10.00
43. Factology vs. Theology we need more Moors Price: $9.00
44. Factology vs. Theology out-TELLECT vs. In-TELLECT price: $9.00
45. True light CD the lamb speaks from Mount Zion MINAARAH price: $9.00
46. Inflammation vs. miss formation the new world order! Price: $9.00
47. Dr. York are you a Muslim? Price: $9.00
48. Am I God? Price: $9.00
49. The human reptile Price: $9.00
50. Answer to the5 percenter Price: $7.00
51.. Can God stop the devil? Price: $9.00
52. Imaam Isa family meaning 1989 Price: $5.00
53. A true light CD who was the comforter? Prices: $9.00
54. The book a life, 10 pages of the Prophet Adam Price: $5.00
55. The book of light Price: $5.00
56. Blacks you are the of the house of Israel the tribe of Judah price::$9.00
57. The true light CD what laws did Jesus follow? Price: $10.00
58. The story of the moors Price: $7.00
59. Love your mate Price: $7.00
60. Mark of the beast Price: $9.00
61. It's Moors time Price: $9.00
62. You are not the real Arab, Negros are! Price: $9.00
63. Two creations and the bible genesis chapter one and Jeremiah price $9.00
64. Invisible world revealed Price: $9.00
65. Egypt the source of all religions Price: $9.00
66. There is no time span Price: $9.00
67. The mark of Cain cursed or protection? Price: $9.00
68. Sounds of NUWAUPU Price: $9.00
70. Nuwaubian prayer live prayer Price: $9.00
71. Quraanic Arabic lessons for the Nubian Islaamic Hebrews price: $7.00
72. A true light CD Price: $7.00
73. Nubian Children thought Nubian Price: $7.00
74. True light CD who was Jesus Price: $9.00
75. Set the record straight your Moorish rights Price: $9.00
76. The DRUID Price. $8.00
77. The lamb speaks from Mount Zion Kosher JAAEZ Price: $8.00
78., Ammunnubi Raakhptah a wakeup call Price: FREE
79. NUWAUBIC language Price: free
80. True light CD I swear by the time Price: $9.00
81. Book of light 1 to 18 Price: $7.00
82. Book of light 13 to 18 Price: $7.00
83. FAZT OL OGY vs. Theology disciple of the lamb price: $7.00
84. The prophecies of the master teacher confirmed! Price: $7.00
85. That the true light CD Muslim according to Koran Price: $8.00
86. Your potential Price: $7.00
87. 1999 ZED festival Price: $7.00
88. Very simple in NUWAUBIC language beginner’s edition price: $5.00
89. Very simple in NUWAUBIC language beginners edition volume two price: $5.00
90. Quraanic lessons for the Nubian Islamic Hebrews Price: $5.00
91. Simplified Arabic reading lesson one beginners Arabic price: $5.00
92. Simplified Arabic reading lesson two beginners Price: $5.00
93. The mind Price: $9.00
94. You will have a chip put in you Price: $7.00
95. Simplified Arabic reading lesson three beginners Price: $5.00
96. True light CD the influence of john the Baptist Price: $9.00
97. First J U Z of the Koran Price: $10.00
98. The lamb speaks from Mount Zion MEZZUZAH true light CD price: $10.00
99. Whom name god Price: $7.00
100. True light CD laws and marriage Price: $13.00
1. Syndrome of control/Economic Hit man price: $12.50
2. Return of the ancient ones price: $7.00
3. Traffic tickets Prices: $7.00
4. The Declaration of independence price: $9.00
5. Moorish Avatar Price: $10.00
6. Theft of Africa Price: $15. 50
7. Energy-science of the ANKH price: $10.00
8. Free masonry Price: $6.00
9. From science to god Price: $7.00
10. U.S. army psychic remote viewing teacher price: $13.00
11. FBI war on Tupak Shakur and black leader’s price: $10.00
12. S E N J E T I 2010 Price: $9.00
13. from public school to prison 1-3 price: $12.50
14. Mortgage defense kit Price: $180
15. Hip hop and homosexuality price: $6.00
16. Cracking the code Price: $80.00
17. Invisible empire Price: $13.00
18. When moors ruled Europe price: $13.00
19. Malcolm X Price: $7.00
20. Moorish birthrights Price: $5.00
21. Unfortunate corruption of the moor science temple price: $15.00
22. Personifying quantum theory price: $20.00
23. Nature of reality Price: $13.00
24. Etymology Parliamentary lawand paralegal studies 12Week course25DVDS price:$1200
25. Etymology linguistic studies price: $72.00
26. Teach your baby to be physically superb price: $12.50
27. GNOSIS Price: $9.00
27. Legal research at Jenkins law library with 2xDVD'S price: $100
28. Freemasonry the five great Seles Price: $33.00
29. Anthony Mc Googan silver Bonds with 4x DVD's price: $90.00
30. Black's law Price: $12.50
31. Cocaine Contras and Mexico Drug wars price: $7.00
32. The unified field of sacred geometry Price: $7.00
33. Constitution classes one through seven price: $10.00
34. Preamble rights Price: $7.00
35. E facts of homosexuality Price: $7.00
36. Sitting judge helps Moorish Americans with UCC 2X DVD price: $50.00
37. Now time course 6 Price: $320
38. Facts are facts and mad as hell Price: $7.00
39. Driver's license fraud Price: $9.00
40. Writ of error Price: $20.00
41. Liberty balance Price: $7.00
42. Psychiatry and industry of death Price: $15.00
43. Do you know what is said behind closed doors price: $10.00
44. The hidden truths New Orleans concentration camps prices: $20.00
45. Black in America Price: $7.00
46. Where history ends 2012 Price: $27.00
47. Food Price: $5.00
48. Freedom 101 Moorish law part one/two Price: $15.00
49. License to kill the hidden truth about New Orleans price: $7.00
50. Corporations part one Price: $5.00
51. Corporation part two Price: $5.00
52. Health and nutrition Price: free
53. Vaccines are dangerous Price: $7.00
54. Americ fascism Price: $5.00
55. Government control operation part one part two price: $15.00
1. The truth about the ark of Noah in Africa price: $10.00
2. Who are the real Price: $10.00
3. Paul for whites and Jesus for lacks Price: $10.00
4. False church of Paulism, the real body of Christ price: $10.00
5. The white gentiles give Negros, the tribe of Judah wrong info of our Jesus price: $10.00
6. Visualization Tones for the ancient Egyptian order price: $7.00
7. Our constitution UNNM Price: $7.00
8. The hidden light Price: $9.00
9. Lets reveal he's real Price: $12.50
10. God doesn't go to big cities, so why do you Price: $9.00
11. Egyptian nativity idols nativity statues crucifix idols price: $9.00
12. Is the root of the devil and our children Price: $10.00
13. Maku inside the belly of the beasts Price: $10.00
14. Do women have to souls according to the bible Price: $10.00
15. Messenger Price: $10.00
16. The Egiptian church of Christ KARAST choir price: $10.00
17. As Moors we have rights CD one-two& three Price: $10.00
18. The reality of life after death Price: $10.00
19. You want to question me, and I taught you! Price: $10.00
20. Masons/Shriners and JESUS Price: $10.00
21. The day of PENTACOST, we were there! Price: $10.00
22. Wholly by Bill or the holy bible Price: $10.00
23. Help Jesus separate the sheep woolly hair from the goat fur hair price: $10.00
24. True story of the moors Price: $12.50
25. Who are the real Eastern stars and lady Shriners? Price: $10.00
26. Living in the days of the book of Revelations 18 Price: $15.00
27. Who is change in the words of the bible Price: $9.00
28. Egypt the mask of god Price: $10.00
29. Fact ology vs. Theology Price: $9.00
30. Egyptians, coming of the messiah Price: $10.00
31. The true Christ of 2000 years ago Price: $9.00
32. Maku from the island of Patmos Price: $33.00
33. The sacred Egyptian initiation Price: $10.00
34. The woman and the devil Price: $10.00
35. The book of light Price: $7.00
36. No one believes in god anymore Price: $9.00
37. Fact ology vs. Theology we are moors Price: $10.00
38. Enter the cosmos Price: $10.00
40. The order of MA'AT Price: $10.00
41. Negro you are not a gentile, you are the holy seed Judah price: $10.00
42. What is darkness? What is light? Price: $10.00
43. Factology vs. Theology we need more Moors Price: $9.00
44. Factology vs. Theology out-TELLECT vs. In-TELLECT price: $9.00
45. True light CD the lamb speaks from Mount Zion MINAARAH price: $9.00
46. Inflammation vs. miss formation the new world order! Price: $9.00
47. Dr. York are you a Muslim? Price: $9.00
48. Am I God? Price: $9.00
49. The human reptile Price: $9.00
50. Answer to the5 percenter Price: $7.00
51.. Can God stop the devil? Price: $9.00
52. Imaam Isa family meaning 1989 Price: $5.00
53. A true light CD who was the comforter? Prices: $9.00
54. The book a life, 10 pages of the Prophet Adam Price: $5.00
55. The book of light Price: $5.00
56. Blacks you are the of the house of Israel the tribe of Judah price::$9.00
57. The true light CD what laws did Jesus follow? Price: $10.00
58. The story of the moors Price: $7.00
59. Love your mate Price: $7.00
60. Mark of the beast Price: $9.00
61. It's Moors time Price: $9.00
62. You are not the real Arab, Negros are! Price: $9.00
63. Two creations and the bible genesis chapter one and Jeremiah price $9.00
64. Invisible world revealed Price: $9.00
65. Egypt the source of all religions Price: $9.00
66. There is no time span Price: $9.00
67. The mark of Cain cursed or protection? Price: $9.00
68. Sounds of NUWAUPU Price: $9.00
70. Nuwaubian prayer live prayer Price: $9.00
71. Quraanic Arabic lessons for the Nubian Islaamic Hebrews price: $7.00
72. A true light CD Price: $7.00
73. Nubian Children thought Nubian Price: $7.00
74. True light CD who was Jesus Price: $9.00
75. Set the record straight your Moorish rights Price: $9.00
76. The DRUID Price. $8.00
77. The lamb speaks from Mount Zion Kosher JAAEZ Price: $8.00
78., Ammunnubi Raakhptah a wakeup call Price: FREE
79. NUWAUBIC language Price: free
80. True light CD I swear by the time Price: $9.00
81. Book of light 1 to 18 Price: $7.00
82. Book of light 13 to 18 Price: $7.00
83. FAZT OL OGY vs. Theology disciple of the lamb price: $7.00
84. The prophecies of the master teacher confirmed! Price: $7.00
85. That the true light CD Muslim according to Koran Price: $8.00
86. Your potential Price: $7.00
87. 1999 ZED festival Price: $7.00
88. Very simple in NUWAUBIC language beginner’s edition price: $5.00
89. Very simple in NUWAUBIC language beginners edition volume two price: $5.00
90. Quraanic lessons for the Nubian Islamic Hebrews Price: $5.00
91. Simplified Arabic reading lesson one beginners Arabic price: $5.00
92. Simplified Arabic reading lesson two beginners Price: $5.00
93. The mind Price: $9.00
94. You will have a chip put in you Price: $7.00
95. Simplified Arabic reading lesson three beginners Price: $5.00
96. True light CD the influence of john the Baptist Price: $9.00
97. First J U Z of the Koran Price: $10.00
98. The lamb speaks from Mount Zion MEZZUZAH true light CD price: $10.00
99. Whom name god Price: $7.00
100. True light CD laws and marriage Price: $13.00
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Give Your Service To The Creator, and Join Us.

1. By becoming an ordained Moorish minister with the Canonical Ministries you are a "licensed / ordained Moorish minister who is authorized by a religious denomination", in accord with our rules and customs we authorize you (once ordained & in good standing with our temple) to solemnize ones bonds and/or officiate at ones ceremonies.
2. In order to remain in good standing with the Canonical Ministries you must hold an unexpired Canonical Ministries license ID card, and be in "regular communion."
Our definition of regular communion; You must contact us at least 1 time per Moorish year, and if any of your contact information should change (your name, physical address, or email) you must notify us within seven weeks of the change.
3. In order to become ordained you will need to order an ID Card (Canonical Ministries Moorish minister license). We offer ordination for three different terms:
1 Year
5 Year
4. Finally to qualify for ordaination with the Canonical Ministries in the state of Colorado republic you must agree to the Certification, and our Code of Ethics.
While training is not required in order to become ordained with the Canonical Ministries Temple, we do urge our members to learn more about being an ordained Canonical Moorish minister, therefore we offer a number of online courses that are self-paced and written in plain English, Hebraic, Nuwaupic. If you are interested in training please see "Online Canonical Moorish Minister Training"
*The information provided on this page is for guidance only it is NOT legal advice.
We currently have many ordained Moorish ministers in the state of colorado republic.
It is critically important that you verify all information with your local marriage license office / county clerk before conducting a wedding ceremony. It is your responsibility to operate within the bounds of the law.
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