
A Canonical Charter for Ministry
The Divine National Moorish Angel Mission
in the Americas U.S.A.
Article 1 – Preamble
The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission in the Americas and its associated organizations (hereafter the “Nu Moorish Asiatic Mission”) exist to glorify the Absolute Supreme God by building an alliance of dynamic worshipping communities in the Americas committed to planting, nurturing, and serving temples, mirs in the Nu Moorish Americans Asiatic tradition. The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission is a Missionary Jurisdiction of the Asiatic Province of U.S.A. And part of the worldwide Divine National Moorish Asiatic Communion. As described in Act 3, Section 2 and Article 5, Section 3 below, the Member of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission delegates particular and accountable authority to a Grand Sheik -Moorish American. The authority delegated to the Grand Sheik may be exercised solely by the Chairman with the assistance of the Prophet and Grand Body of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission, and derivatively by those to whom the Grand Sheik subsequently delegates responsibility.
Article 2 – Nu Moorish Ecclesiastical Organization of the Mission
Section 1: From an Moorish ecclesiastical perspective the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission is governed by the Constitution and Canons of the Province of Amexem-Atlan, Turtle Island Land of the Frogs, with certain dispensations provided where cultural, ministerial, geographical, or linguistic differences call for an exception. The Nu Moorish ecclesiastical organization of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission is set forth in Title 1, Canon 6 of the Moorish Provincial Canons designating the Nu Moorish Asiatic Mission as a missionary jurisdiction under the oversight of the Primate of the Province. The work and ministry of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission is exercised in collaboration with the Provincial House of Sheiks/Amir’s of U.S.A. and the Council of Divine National Moorish Asiatic Missionary Sheiks/Amirs of the Asiatic Mission.
Section 2: The Divine National Moorish Movement Asiatic Mission is further structured into regional Networks, gathered by geography or affinity, led by Network Leaders appointed by the Council of Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Grand Sheiks, to assist the Missionary Sheiks/Amirs in matters of mission initiatives, ministoral care and administration.
Section 3: The Divine National Moorish Movement Asiatic Mission is in partnership with other confessing Moorish Asiatic desiring to build a new Homestead Moorish Asiatic Province in North America.
Section 4: The Divine National Moorish Movement Asiatic Mission accepts two theological conclusions regarding the ordination of women to the Sheikism, and is structured to accommodate both. The Divine National Moorish Movement Asiatic Mission in America (DNMMAMiA) believes Holy and Divine Constitutional and By-Laws Canon Orders to be a matter of both the doctrine and the discipline of the Temple, Mirs, and receives the call of women exclusively to the diaconate as part of its common life.
The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Coalition in North America U.S.A. Louisiana (NMACiNA) and The Nu Ontology Moorish Science Temple Asiatic Coalition in America (NMSTACiA) accept Holy and Divine Constitution and By-Laws all the Prophet Noble Drew Ali Orders as part of the canon discipline of the Homestead and Temple, rather than a matter of doctrine alone, and receive the call of women in the sheikism and diaconate as part of their common life.
Act 3 – Divine National Ecclesiastical Administration of the Moorish Asiatic Mission
Section 1: The Moorish Asiatic Mission, as a Missionary Jurisdiction of the Province of North America U.S.A., is distinct from the diocesan organizations of the Province. By delegation of the Sheik/Amir, pursuant to the Moorish Provincial Canons, the ecclesiastical authority of the Moorish Asiatic Mission is exercised through the:
a. Grand Sheik/Primatial Vicar;
b. Grand Body Council of Missionary Bishops;
c. Lt. Mufti Archdeacon;
d. Canon Missioners;
e. Network Leaders;
and, may include:
f. Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc;
Nu Moorish Ecclesiastical Organization of the Mission;
a College of Presbyters;
various other assemblies and convocations of Lay and Ordained Leaders called together by the Grand Sheik to take counsel and work for the governance and common good of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission.
Section 2: The Grand Sheik-Amir. The Grand Sheik/ Grand Amir is the presiding moorish ecclesiastical authority of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission in the absence of the Prophet of North America U.S.A... The Grand Sheik/ Grand Amir, in concert with the Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks/ Amirs of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Anglican Mission, governs all spiritual, pastoral, and ecclesiastical matters of the Asiatic Mission. He exercises his rights and duties in accordance with the Provincial Canons. The Grand Sheik serves as the Chair of the Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks and Amirs and all other Moorish ecclesiastical bodies of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission. With the Council of Missionary Sheiks, Amirs, the Grand Sheik is obligated to report regularly to the Primate concerning the Asiatic Mission. The Grand Sheik represents the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission as a member of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Council and at international gatherings.
Section 3: Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks, Amirs. The Grand Body Council of Missionary Grand Sheiks is presided over by the Grand Sheiks, and participates with the Grand Sheik in the Moorish ecclesiastical administration of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission. The Missionary Sheiks, Amirs, Muftis, as members of the Provincial House of Sheiks, are ultimately responsible to the Prophet. The Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks has the authority and responsibility which the Provincial canons ascribe to it as a missionary jurisdiction, to include:
a. initiation and oversight of new missionary work, and development of new mission territory;
b. guarding the canons, faith, discipline, and worship of Jesus as this Temple has received them;
c. ordaining sheiks and amirs according to the established norms of the Province;
d. consecrating, and sanctifying for worship, churches and chapels;
e. recommending candidates for the offices of Primatial Vicar, Bishop, and Canon.
Section 4: Lt Mufti. The Grand Sheik, in consultation with the Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks, appoints the Lt. Mufti of the Divine National Moorish Anglican Mission in the Americas. The Lt. Mufti shall exercise such authority as is delegated from the Grand Sheik for the administration and supervision of the Divine National Moorish Anglican Mission. The Lt Mufti responsible for day-to-day operations, administration of candidates for ordination, affiliation of temples, mirs, and the minutiae of governance.
Section 5: Canon Missioners. The Grand Sheik, in consultation with the Prophet and the consent of the Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks and Amirs, may appoint Canon Missioners for terms of up to five years for specialized missionary work and ministries in the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission in the Americas. In accordance with temple custom, Canon Missioners may pioneer, lead, or develop various local and mission initiatives and programs. Oversight of the work of Canon Missioners is provided by the Grand Sheik.
Section 6: Network Leaders. Network Leaders are appointed and vested with authority by the Grand Sheik with the consent of the Prophet and Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks. The Network Leader’s role and authority, as set forth in the Network Manual, is strictly delegated to him by his overseeing Missionary Sheiks, to whom he is accountable. That delegated role and authority is to uplift fallen humanity and provide leadership and oversight to the clergy, leaders, and Mission Network Team over which he serves. Specifically the Network Leader’s role includes:
leading the selection of the governing Network Team;
overseeing the creation and implementation of the Network’s mission strategy;
guiding the development of Network community and relationships;
providing assessment and evaluation of the Network’s effectiveness;
assisting in the identification of new leadership for the ordained ministry;
organizing and holding the regular Mission Network and/or Clergy Gatherings;
submitting formal budget requests to the(DNMMAMiA) Board of Directors for funding and overseeing the administration of all funds of the Network;
maintaining order and discipline within the Mission Network;
promoting alignment with the vision, values, leadership of the Asiatic Mission within the Mission Network.
Section 7: Islamism Vicar: The Grand Sheik Vicar, in consultation with the Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks, may appoint Islamism Episcopal Vicars to carry out specific responsibilities and assignments delegated by the Grand Sheik Vicar and represent him when appropriate. Islamism Vicars serve no longer than the expiration of the appointing Grand Sheik Vicar’s term.
Section 8: College of Presbyters. A College of Presbyters, in partnership with the Grand Body Council of Missionary Sheiks and its Chairman, may, from time to time, be convened by the Chairman to serve as a council of advice. The Chairman will preside over this body. The purposes of this College are to: (i) provide a forum for the full and free discussion of various issues of pastoral concern in the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission; (ii) consider proposals from its members regarding the sheikism, amir pastoral and evangelical work of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission; (iii) offer counsel and proposals from its members regarding the work and administration of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission; and (iv) consult with the Chairman, together with the Grand Body Council of Missionary Bishops, on matters of governance according to the norms of the Temple and Mir. When a College of Presbyters is convened, each Network may elect two members (which may include the Network Leader) to represent the Network at the College. All priests serving in a Network are entitled to vote in that Network’s election. In addition, the Grand Sheik Primatial Vicar shall name members-at-large to the College.
Article 4 – Secular Organization of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission in North America U.S.A.
From a secular perspective, the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Coalition in North America U.S.A. must comply with the laws of the several governmental jurisdictions in which it operates. The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Coalition in North America s is a Colorado non-profit corporation. It provides corporate oversight and services to The Asiatic Mission in America, The Asiatic Coalition in Canada, and The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Coalition in America.
The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Coalition is organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes in accord with Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States.
Article 5 – Secular Administration of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Coalition
Section 1: The general business and legal affairs of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Coalition are overseen by a Board of Directors, pursuant to Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws adopted in accordance with the regulations of the applicable secular jurisdictions. The secular authority of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission in North America U.S.A. is exercised through the:
a. Grand Sheik
b. Chairman
c. Board of Directors
d. Executive Director
Section 2: Board of Directors: The Board of Directors consists of the Chairman and the Executive Director, who shall serve ex officio, and 5 to 15 members. The selection of the Board of Directors and the responsibilities, duties and manner of its governance are set forth in the corporate By-laws. The Board of Directors may take no action, nor shall it permit any action to be taken, in the name of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission, that contravenes the intent of the Solemn Declaration as contained in the Provincial Constitution. If conflict arises in the secular administration of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission, the Council of Missionary Sheiks and the Grand Body of Directors shall meet for appropriate and collaborative discernment.
Section 3: The Chairman: The Grand Sheik shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Chairman is the chief executive officer of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission. In consultation with the Grand Body of Directors and the Council of Missionary Sheiks, the Chairman shall develop a clearly articulated mission strategy. The Chairman is responsible for the implementation of that mission strategy and for the faithful adherence to the vision and values of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission by the Missionary Networks. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Grand Body as Chairman of the Board.
Section 4: The Executive Director: The Executive Director shall exercise such executive authority as is delegated from time to time by the Chairman. The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission including, in consultation with the Chairman and the Grand Body, the selection, removal and supervision of the management and staff. The Executive Director shall report to the Chairman and through the Chairman to the Grand Body of Directors. In the absence of, or upon the request of, the Chairman, the Executive Director shall preside at meetings of the Grand Body.
Article 6 – Networks and Convocations
Networks are affinity or geographically based groups of congregations serving under a designated Missionary Sheiks and Amirs, Network Leader, and Network Team as more specifically described in the Network Manual. When opportunities for wider mission and evangelism to a particular region can be affected through the cooperation of several Networks, Convocations may be called by the cooperating Networks under the leadership of a Missionary Sheik or Amir and the various cooperating Networks and Network Leaders.
Article 7 – Congregations
Section 1: Congregations: The local congregation is the primary missionary unit of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission. Each congregation is expected to be a member of a Network. When the assembled body of any mission work attains an average regular Sunday attendance of at least fifty (50) worshippers, has become financially self-supporting, and has embraced and adopted the vision, values, and commitments of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission as contained in the documents and procedures of the affiliation process of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission, that assembly qualifies, and may be designated, as a recognized Mission congregation.
Section 2: Vestries and Boards: In every congregation of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission there shall be a duly constituted Vestry or Board having charge of the temporalities of the congregation, and it shall be their duty to oversee staff hired to assist with these temporal matters (sexton, bookkeepers, auditing firms, maintenance personnel, etc). This body shall be presided over by the Rector or Senior Pastor, if there be one, and shall be the official representative of the congregation. It shall be its duty to:
aid the Rector or Senior Sheik/ Pastor in all agencies and efforts for the advancement of the congregation;
develop and oversee the annual budget, and provide for all salaries and expenses of the congregation;
keep a proper account of all funds, and insure that all accounts are audited annually;
notify both the Network Leader and the Network Sheiks when a parish is vacant or without a Rector or Senior Pastor;
elect and invite a Rector or Senior Pastor, with due regard to the ascertained wishes of the congregation and the approval of the Network Bishop.
Section 3: Of Rectors or Senior Pastors: The Rector or Senior Pastor of every congregation is elected and called by the Vestry or Board of that church upon approval of the Network Bishop. It shall be the duty and privilege of this Office to:
preside at all meetings of the vestry or governing Grand Body, unless it conflicts with the law; alternatively, the Rector or Senior Pastor may designate a member of the Vestry to preside;
have final authority in the administration of all matters pertaining to the public worship and Moorish Education within the congregation, subject to the godly counsel of the Sheik;
hire, fire, and have authority over all Moorish Ministers of the congregation and staff (lay or ordained) assigned to his office, by whatever name they may be designated;
keep a register of all baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials solemnized by him or another Minister in his congregation, a record of attendance at all public services, and a list of the active members of the congregation;
have use and control of the Temple and buildings of the congregation for the purposes of his office and for the full and free discharge of all functions and duties pertaining thereto.
Article 8 – Ownership of Temple, Mir, Property
Section 1: All property owned and utilized by local congregations of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission shall be indefeasibly vested in the local congregation, as set forth in both the Constitution and Canons of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Temple, Mir of U.S.A. America. The Norms for real and personal property of a congregation are established in the Constitution (see below), as well as in the Canons of the Province [Title 1, Canon 7, Sections 5, 6 and 7].
a. Title IV, Article 18, Section 3 – “On Parish Property in Missionary Jurisdictions” of the Constitution states:
“Legal title to all property utilized by local congregations shall be indefeasibly vested in the local congregation, or in a corporation owned and controlled by the local congregation, or in one or more trustees of one or more charitable land trusts that are appointed or elected by the local congregation and hold the local temple, mir property in trust for the benefit of the local congregation.” [Adopted in Provincial Amexem, Atlan, America, Nov. 2007]
Title IV, Article 18, Section 4 – Consecrated Property of the Constitution states: “Notwithstanding the provision of Title 1, Canon 7, Section 3, no Vestry, officers of the Corporation, Trustees, or other body shall alienate any consecrated Temple or Chapel which has been used for Divine Service without the previous consent of the Sheik, or in the Sheik’s absence, the consent of the Council of Missionary Sheiks. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.”
Section 2: No Primate, Primatial Vicar, or Missionary Sheik shall at any time have titled in his name any Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission property or any Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission parish property, nor shall any of the foregoing individuals purport to transfer ownership of any of said property at any time.
Section 3: Property owned by the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission for the purpose of carrying out ecclesiastical programs will be in the name of the Asiatic Mission. In the event of a dissolution of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission, dispose of all the assets to such organizations as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as the
Grand Body Directors shall determine.
Article 9 – Hierarchical Vacancies
Section 1: In the event of a vacancy of the office of the Primatial Vicar, the Council of Missionary Sheiks shall identify and elect one of their members to temporarily serve as the Chair of the Council of Missionary Sheiks, the Grand Body of Directors, and all other administrative bodies of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission, until the Primate of the Province designates another to the office of Primatial Vicar.
Section 2: If a Moorish Missionary Episcopate becomes vacant, or additional Missionary Sheiks are needed for the advancement of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission, the Primatial Vicar with the Council of Missionary Sheiks shall serve as Episcopal Consulters to the Primate with regard to the selection of candidates suitable for the Missionary Episcopate. The Episcopal Consulters may consult with the Network Leaders and the Board of Directors, and the Primatial Vicar may assemble a College of Presbyters or other appropriate body to assist in the identification of suitable candidates.
Section 3: The Council of Missionary Sheiks shall elect candidates for consideration before the Provincial House of Grand Sheiks and Amirs as set forth in Title I, Canon 6, Sections 3, 4, 5. This vote shall be a super majority (at least two thirds) of the Council of Missionary Bishops. The Primatial Vicar will present such names to the Primate and to the Provincial House of Grand Sheiks for their consideration. The Primatial Vicar may veto a name for reasons of pastoral or administrative concern, as set forth in the canons. Those priests nominated by the Council of Missionary Sheiks are presented in accord with the canonical norms of the Province (cf. Title 1, Canon 6, Section 13, Title III, Canon 23, Section 2).
Section 4: The Primatial Vicar, or another Missionary Bishop designated by him, shall see to any episcopal needs within a vacant seat, until a Missionary Bishop is elected and takes canonical possession of that seat.
Article 10 – Crisis and Conflict Management
The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission seeks to respond to human sinfulness, brokenness and frailty through the Biblical norms. Conflict is to be addressed with the advice, direction, and counsel of the Council of Sheiks and Amirs, the Network Leaders, the Mission Center, and others who may be appointed to serve in the resolution of crisis and conflicts according to biblical principles in-conjunction with the Koran for the Moorish Science Temple of America. If the clergy and leadership of a local congregation are unable to resolve a conflict, a report of the situation and the initial effort made to resolve it shall be made to the Network Leader, who will then contact both the Missionary Sheik and the Mission Center. The approved steps and procedures of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission “Crisis & Conflict Management and Resolution Policy and Procedures” will then be followed.
Article 11 – Amendment of the Charter
Section 1: The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission is governed by the Divine Constitution and By-Laws and Canons of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Province of U.S.A. America, by the laws and regulations of the national and state jurisdictions in which it operates as reflected in its Bylaws, and, to the extent that it does not conflict any of the foregoing, by this Charter.
Section 2: When necessary, this Charter shall be amended by the Council of Missionary Sheiks who may consult with the Network Leaders, the and Grand Body Board of Directors, the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Chancellor, a Judicial Vicar and other appropriate consultative bodies to ensure continuity with the canonical tradition of the Province of America and compliance with applicable secular authority.
Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission in the Americas Charter–September 2009
THE Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission
As amended by Moorish Diocesan Synod 2011
CANON 1.1 Of the Name of the Diocese
This Diocese shall be known and designated as the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission United States America (Asiatic ) and shall deem its geographical boundaries to be those as set forth in Canon 45 of the Divine Constitution and By-laws, Canons of the Divine National Moorish Anglican Province of America.
CANON 1.2 Of the Composition of this Diocese
The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission is a voluntary association composed of the clergymen canonically domicile therein and of all the parishes, congregations and the members thereof recognized as such by the Ecclesiastical Authority thereof and shall also be composed of such clergymen, parishes, congregations and other organizations and the members thereof as may be duly admitted to union with the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission.
CANON 1.3 Of this Temple-Mir
The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission for United.States.Americais., a Diocese in union with the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Province of America, a jurisdiction of the One, Holy, Moorish Science Temple of America and submits to the Solemn Declaration, Constitution, Canons and Provincial Synod of the same.
CANON 2.1 Of the Diocesan Sheikism
The Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission of the Nu Moorish Science Temple of America, Mir 9 shall be chosen and elected in conformity with the Divine Constitution By-laws and Canons of the Divine National Moorish Asiatic Mission Province of America, by the concurrence of a two-thirds majority of the clerical and lay delegates entitled to vote in Temples, Mir casting votes by Orders. He shall be the Grand Sheik chief sheik/pastor of all the members of the Temple in this Diocese and the President of the Temple Districts. He shall make at least one visitation to each parish and congregation every two years, shall have the right to summon and attend meetings of parishes and missions within his jurisdiction and shall be ex officio a member of all diocesan committees and agencies.
CANON 2.2 Of Acting Grand Sheik
Acting Grand Sheiks may be elected and serve in accordance with the rules established in the Divine Constitution and By-laws and Canons of this Temple.
CANON 2.3 Of Assistant Acting Grand Sheiks
The Assistant Acting Grand Sheik of the Temple may appoint any retired or resigned grand sheiks of this Temple or any sheik without jurisdiction received into membership of this Temple, being domicile in the homestead, as an assistant sheik to perform such episcopal functions as shall be determined by the Grand Sheik.
CANON 3.1 Of the Diocesan Synod
The Temple shall be governed by a Synod meeting annually at a date and place established by Moorish Synod Homestead at its previous meeting, or for special reasons at other times at the call of the Grand Sheik and the Standing Committee, or, during the vacancy of the see, by the Standing Committee. Moorish Synod Homestead shall be comprised of the clergy in good standing and by two lay delegates elected by each parish and mission listed on the most recent Annual Report.
CANON 3.2 Of Assessments, Budgets and Quotas
Moorish Synod Homestead shall establish annually a budget for the Temple. The budget shall be deemed established when its items have been approved by Moorish Synod Homestead and the tithes from the parishes and missions represented in Moorish Synod Homestead shall amount to at least the total sum of money indicated by the budget.
The tithes offered at Moorish Synod Homestead by each parish and mission, shall, upon acceptance by Moorish Synod Homestead, become the annual assessment of such parishes and missions and shall be sent in equal monthly installments to the diocesan treasurer.
A tithe of all regular diocesan income shall be paid to the Province in accordance with Canon Law.
CANON 4 Of the Moorish Standing Committee
Between Moorish Synods Homestead, the administrative authority of the Temple shall reside in the Prophet and Grand Sheik or the GS may call a vote with the Standing Committee. The membership of the Standing Committee shall consist of the Grand Sheik, the Subordinate Sheiks, two NoonEbu clergymen elected by the NoopooH clergy of the Temple at Moorish Synod Homestead, a treasurer, who shall be a communicant member of the Diocese elected by the lay delegates of Moorish Synod Homestead, a Moorish chancellor, being a priest or lay person appointed by the Grand Sheik and three lay communicants of the Diocese elected by the lay delegates of Moorish Synod Homestead. The lay members of the Standing Committee shall constitute the Finance Committee of the Temple. The Standing Committee shall meet at the call of the Grand Sheik, or during a vacancy of the Moorish see, by the senior Assistant Grand Sheik or by its own resolution. The President of the Standing Committee shall be elected by that body from among its members who are Moor. The Secretary of the Moorish Standing Committee shall be elected by that body from among its members. The members of the Standing Committee shall have seat, voice and vote in Moorish Diocesan Synod.
CANON 5.1 Of Moorish Parishes
A Moorish parish shall be a congregation of at least forty adult communicant members as defined in the Moorish Provincial Canons, meeting in permanent accommodations, served by a Moorish Rector paid the minimum temple salary and which regularly meets its assessments and quotas to the Temple and the Province.
CANON 5.2 Of Annual Moorish Parish Meetings and Vestries
Each Moorish parish shall call an annual meeting to which shall be summoned all adult communicant members of the Moorish parish. The annual meeting shall elect vestrymen in accordance with the Divine Constitution and by-laws of the Moorish parish. The rector shall be ex officio the chairman of the vestry. He shall appoint the Senior or Rector's Warden in accordance with the Divine Constitution and by-laws of the Moorish parish. The vestry shall annually elect from its membership a Junior or People's Warden, and a Treasurer. The vestry shall also elect a Clerk or secretary who shall be an adult communicant member of the Moorish parish.
CANON 5.3 Of Moorish Parish Property
Each Moorish parish shall retain and hold all properties and monies pertaining to it and shall in no wise be defeated of its title to the same by any Moorish Diocesan or Moorish Provincial agency or Moorish Synod.
CANON 5.4 Of the Moorish Rector
Each Moorish parish shall elect its Rector who shall be a priest in good standing of the NoonEbu Ontology of America. He shall be licensed by the Grand Sheik only in accordance with the terms set forth in the Letter of Institution contained in the Book of Common Tafulaat.
The rector of each parish shall be responsible for the worship of the parish in accordance with the Canons of the Temple, for the music, organist and choir, for Moorish Education and for all sheiks and NoonEbu Ontologist in the parish. He shall keep a register of services and of all baptisms, confirmations, marriages and funerals and of all baptized and confirmed persons. He may, with the consent of the Grand Sheik and in consultation with the vestry appoint such assistant NoonEbu clergy in good standing as he/she shall deem necessary. A rector may resign his/her cure or may be removed in accordance with the Canons of the Province and the terms set forth in the Letter of Institution contained in the Book of Common Tafulaat.
CANON 5.5 Of Moorish Mission Congregations
A mission shall be a congregation in union with this Moorish Diocese which does not meet the requirements established in these canons for a parish.
An annual meeting shall be called, to which shall be summoned all adult communicant members of the mission. At each annual meeting a Mission
Committee shall be elected, except in the case of a meeting called to establish such a mission, when the Grand Sheik shall appoint the initial Moorish Mission Committee which shall serve until the next regular annual meeting. A Moorish Mission Committee shall elect annually from its membership a Warden and a Treasurer. It shall also elect a Clerk or secretary from the adult communicant members of the mission. Moorish Mission Committee members shall be elected, or appointed, from among the adult communicant members of the mission.
A mission shall be the agency of the Grand Sheik who shall appoint and license the sheik in charge. A sheik in charge shall enjoy all the rights and duties ascribed in these Canons to a rector, except that he/she may be removed by the Grand Sheik in consultation with the Moorish Mission Committee.
The properties and monies of a mission shall be owned in the same manner as established by these Canons for Moorish parishes.
CANON 6 Of Non-Moorish Parochial Clergy
All clergy of this Temple physically resident in this Moorish Diocese Home Stead without cure or other Moorish ecclesiastical appointment shall be licensed under seal by the Grand Sheik and shall annually on or by Advent Saturday give an account, in writing, to the Grand Sheik concerning their spiritual functions.
CANON 7 Of Lay Readers
Lay Readers shall be appointed by the Grand Sheik in accordance with the Canons of this Temple and for such periods of time as shall be stated on their license. They shall serve under their rector or priest in charge.
CANON 8 Of Moorish Membership
An adult communicant member of this Diocese is a person of at least eighteen years of age who has been validly baptized and confirmed and whose name is contained in the register of a Moorish parish or Moorish mission of this Diocese. A communicant member of this Diocese is a person who has been baptized and confirmed and whose name is contained in the register of a parish or mission of this Diocese. A member of this Diocese is any person who has been validly baptized and whose name appears in the register of a parish or mission of this Diocese.
CANON 9 Of the Reception of a Moorish Parish and Moorish Mission
An established Moorish parish or Moorish mission which, by a majority vote of its adult communicant membership accedes to the Solemn Declaration and the Divine Constitution and Canons of this Temple and of this Diocese and to the doctrine, discipline and worship of this Temple, may be received into membership of the Diocese by the Grand Sheik with the advice and consent of the Moorish Standing Committee. The Grand Sheik, with the advice and counsel of the Moorish Standing Committee, at their discretion, these Canons notwithstanding, may permit such a congregation to retain its former status as a Moorish parish or Moorish mission.
CANON 10 Of Trial Courts and the Election of Delegates to Moorish Provincial Synod
Election of all officers to courts, agencies and of delegates to Moorish Provincial Synods shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements and rules set forth in the Divine Constitution and Canons of the Divine National Moorish Anglican Mission of America.
CANON 11 Of Amendments
These Canons may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of Synod, nineteen days notice of such amendment having been previously submitted to the rector and senior warden of or the vicar and warden of each parish and mission. Such amendments shall be in effect at the close of the Synod adopting the same.
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